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If you have more questions, feel free to send me a message on my Facebook page!

When did you start writing songs?

I wrote my first lyrics called “Very Thin World” and “Black Rose” when I was 11 years old. I wrote them on the same day, I remember I was at my grandparents’ and wrote them down with a pencil on a square lined paper. Then, for many days, I was walking around the flat and singing them to myself in my mind. But I wrote my first real song, both lyrics and melody, when I was 13. It was called “Mr. Juice” and I composed it on the keyboard, which my brother was repairing for his friend.

What’s your favourite way of songwriting? What comes first – lyrics or melody?

I’ve heard different opinions on that. Everything is a good start, if you have inspiration. Usually, I start to play something on a guitar, put some chords together and what I create makes me sing, mostly some “lalala” or so. Then it’s usually a chorus that I start to sing – it’s the first thing that comes to my mind and mostly it gives me a song title. Then I just write verses and a bridge, sometimes it comes very fast and sometimes it’s taking me several days to finish writing the lyrics. The other way of writing a song is writing the lyrics first. But I don’t write like that very often. But I have to admit that having a good song title is a very good basis for writing lyrics. That’s how I wrote some of my songs, like “Aloha My Love”, for example.

Where do you get your inspiration? Who or what is your inspiration?

I get inspired very easily. It can be whoever and whatever. Many of my songs are also personal. Though, I have to say, being too personal in your songs is not very good. I want to give people something they can adopt in their own way, so I get my inspiration from everyday life, it can be something somebody says or does, it can be a word, a sentence and everything that’s going on around me.

What’s your message, what do you expect from your listener?

My message to my listeners is “be kind, help each other, respect each other”, that’s what I try to say with my songs. I hope my listeners can relate to my songs, I hope they make them feel something. There’s no better feeling than knowing your song helped somebody or made them feel something very personal. There are several of my songs that have that impact on my listeners, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. It means a lot to me.

Who are your fans and how do you get in touch with them?

My fans have always been people who are connected to music in some way, many of them are musicians who understand what I do. But then, there are several great fans, I dare to call them friends, who are there, because they like my songs. I’m very grateful for them. Like many musicians, I also use social sites to get in touch with them and I also have my own web site.

What’s your biggest musical dream?

My dream is to write and record songs and share them with people. It’s that simple. One day, I’d like to be surrounded by like-minded musicians and record with them in a studio. Anyway, I don’t see myself as a band leader, so I don’t know how it would work out. But most of all, I wish my songs would become a part of people’s lives. That’d be a dream come true and the greatest reward ever and that way my songs would live on a little longer. Forever, maybe.

What are your next plans?

Right now I am working on finishing my song collection “The Island”. There’s only one song left that I want to record. The album will be available on my Bandcamp page sometime in October. Then I’d like to revisit some of my older songs, re-record them and put them on an EP, because there are things I owe to myself and to some of my collaborators, as well.

What song are you most proud of?

It must be “Aloha My Love”, because it was my first song that got on the [independent] radio and also, it’s so different from everything else I’ve ever written. It’s my most well-known song among my fans and friends and it was my breakthrough track. Plus it was inspired by a true story and thanks to that song I became friends with Andy of I&SON, who mixed it for me and it started many other collaborations and friendships, too. It’s a waltz song, so it was also a bit crazy to get it on the radio while they played alternative bands and rock music. And then, there was me and my little waltz tune.




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