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Vote "Aloha My Love" for Museboat Musies Award!

Dear friends,

it sounds unlikely, but my song "ALOHA MY LOVE" is nominated for a MUSEBOAT MUSIES AWARD for BEST SONG EVER on Museboat! The award show will take place on December, 6th online, and that's when the winner will be announced! You can vote for "ALOHA MY LOVE", or any other song of your choice RIGHT HERE!

Voting is unlimited, so feel free to vote as many times as you want. There are so many great songs and artists there, so just vote for as many and as much as you like. Ofcourse, if you decide to vote for "Aloha My Love"... I'd be very grateful for that! More info is here in my video! Btw, the songs which make it to another round will be announced each Wednesday, until December, 6th, so make sure you vote all the time!

Now, I'd like to tell you this:

And here's a little Museboat flyer:


Stay well and safe!



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